Culorile orasului Targu Mures / Marosvasarhely szinei


PhotoBlog. Colors of Targu Mures

Colors of Targu Mures is a photoblog dedicated to my small town in which I was born. The theme and name of the blog came easily. "Photoblog" because I love photographing, "colors" because I have a penchant for colorful photos, and "Targu Mures" because here I spend a large part of my life. One goal of this photography blog is to document ordinary moments, lived by me, in and around Tirgu Mures.

I decided to start this photoblog because I considered this project a good opportunity to learn web programming languages that power the Internet, Search Engine Optimization, editing photos.

Android Colors of Targu Mures.apk was "born" because I wanted to learn Android. My first teacher was and then

What Camera Do You Use?

Most of my pictures are shot with Samsung Digimax S830, Nikon Coolpix, Fujifilm FinePix S4000.

Thanks for visiting.

Despre PhotoBlog. Colors of Targu Mures. pot spune ca a inceput sa "emita" culori in 28 Februarie 2009, imediat cu prima postare "The city". Primul contact cu seviciul Blogger s-a inregistrat in 2007.
Pentru a vedea toate pozele avand tema Targu Mures, apasa aici.
Sectiunea calator in timp in orasul Targu Mures se poate accesa in meniul "Then and Now".
Iar pentru a vedea o lume fantastica in Targu Mures, am creat pagina iReal.
In sectiunea Map of Targu Mures te invit sa descoperi o mica harta a orasului.

2.07.2014- Aplicatia Colors of Targu Mures.apk pentru Android(Android 3) s-a lansat.

Targu Mures Wallpapers

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